Ray Akaikeの音楽をお届けいたします。
Thank you for visiting, I Hope you'll enjoy my music.
Thousands of lullaby singing just for you.

Much love.


Ray Akaike
1989年1月17日生まれ。18歳から音楽活動を開始。好きな絵本はにじいろのさかな、趣味は落語と銭湯です。 幼少時代をオーストラリアで過ごし、そこで覚えた数々のみんなのうたが今でも心に残っている。言葉が通じない異国でのコミュニケーション手段のひとつが歌であったことにグッときてからは、“わたしの声”というシンプルだが、唯一の持ち物で英語と日本語のそれぞれが持つ美しい響きを大切に、やさしいやさしい、歌がうたいたいと日々願っています。いつでも心がよろこぶ音楽を。


Born in Japan 1989.1.17
Ray is a singer song writer based in Tokyo, Japan.
Lived in Australia in her early childhood, she began to take interest in music and the songs she remembered there still remains in her heart. Long before “words” were born, we connected with each other simply by “Voice”. Living in a place where “words” become a barrier, she believes that our “voice” itself is the key for human connection. Expressing through “songs and keeping in mind the beauty of Japanese and English sound holds, she hopes her voice becomes unforgettable for the listeners. She knows that "forget" and "bury" are the human nature. That's why she wants something "unforgettable".
"Please remember me"